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Membership Drive National Action Network

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Reverend Al Sharpton
can be heard in Boston daily on WILD 1090 AM
from 2-5pm

National Action Network (NAN) is one of the leading civil rights organizations in the nation, with numerous local chapters around the country. Founded in 1991 by Reverend Al Sharpton, NAN works within the spirit and tradition of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to promote a modern civil rights agenda that includes the fight for social justice and one standard of justice and decency for all people regardless of race, religion, national origin, and gender.

Currently, there is a Boston Chapter and we are working to boost membership and activity in the Boston area.


Dr. BJ Smith
1338 Blue Hill Avenue
Boston, MA 02126
(617) 298-6080
641-715-3800 ACCESS CODE 52905

For information on the organization:

For your membership application to join the Boston Chapter


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